New Gathering Creation Programs
New Gathering SPRINGBOARD You want a new kind of worship gathering and you need help with where to startChurch Assessments & StatisticsTheology of Worship DevelopmentWorship Style & Arts ProfileNew Gathering IdeationTalent InventorySWOT AnalysisBudget GuidelinesNew Gathering Summary Drafting*
3-4 Week ProcessIncludes:FREE 90-Minute Consultation11 Hours Phone/Virtual Meetings30-Days *Post Email Support
New Website Introductory Price:$999(regularly $1500)33% Off!New Gathering VISION Most PopularYou want help with visioning and logistical guidance in creating a new gatheringIncludes all ofNew Gathering SPRINGBOARD Program (see left) withNew Gathering Proposal Drafting*PLUS:Logistical/Spatial Assessment & RecommendationsAudio/Visual Assessment & RecommendationsMusical Instrument Assessment & RecommendationsBudget RecommendationsFundraising Recommendations Staffing RecommendationsAND Staffing BASIC Program:Job Description Drafting Compensation RecommendationsJob Posting on
8 Week ProcessIncludes:FREE 90-Minute Consultation22 Hours Phone/Virtual Meetings1 Day On-Site Assessment & Meetings(up to $500 in travel)60-Days *Post Email Support
New Website Introductory Price:$2499(regularly $3500)28% Off!New Gathering STRATEGY You want strategic leadership for your new gathering from conception to implementationIncludes all of bothNew Gathering VISION andNew Gathering SPRINGBOARD Programs (see middle/left) withNew Gathering Strategic Plan Drafting* PLUS:Consultation with up to 3 Contractors/VendorsVolunteer Recruitment StrategySocial Media/Communications PlanLocal Area Market Research ReportMarketing/Advertising RecommendationsAND Staffing PREMIUM Program:Job Description Drafting Compensation RecommendationsJob Posting on WorshipCurrentStaffing.comApplication Aggregation ProcessApplication Review for All CandidatesSit In on Final 2 Candidate InterviewsHiring RecommendationsNew-Hire Orientation Suggestions
16 Week ProcessIncludes:FREE 90-Minute Consultation43 Hours Phone/Virtual Meetings2 Days On-Site Assessment & Meetings(up to $500/ea in travel)90-Days *Post Email Support
New Website Introductory Price:$4999(regularly $7500)33% Off!
You want a new kind of worship gathering and you need help with where to start
Church Assessments & StatisticsTheology of Worship DevelopmentWorship Style & Arts ProfileNew Gathering IdeationTalent InventorySWOT AnalysisBudget GuidelinesNew Gathering Summary Drafting*
3-4 Week ProcessIncludes:FREE 90-Minute Consultation11 Hours Phone/Virtual Meetings30-Days *Post Email Support
New Website Introductory Price:$999(regularly $1500)33% Off!
New Gathering VISION
Most Popular
You want help with visioning and logistical guidance in creating a new gathering
Includes all ofNew Gathering SPRINGBOARD Program (see left) withNew Gathering Proposal Drafting*PLUS:Logistical/Spatial Assessment & RecommendationsAudio/Visual Assessment & RecommendationsMusical Instrument Assessment & RecommendationsBudget RecommendationsFundraising Recommendations Staffing RecommendationsAND Staffing BASIC Program:Job Description Drafting Compensation RecommendationsJob Posting on
8 Week ProcessIncludes:FREE 90-Minute Consultation22 Hours Phone/Virtual Meetings1 Day On-Site Assessment & Meetings(up to $500 in travel)60-Days *Post Email Support
New Website Introductory Price:$2499(regularly $3500)28% Off!
New Gathering STRATEGY
You want strategic leadership for your new gathering from conception to implementation
Includes all of bothNew Gathering VISION andNew Gathering SPRINGBOARD Programs (see middle/left) withNew Gathering Strategic Plan Drafting* PLUS:Consultation with up to 3 Contractors/VendorsVolunteer Recruitment StrategySocial Media/Communications PlanLocal Area Market Research ReportMarketing/Advertising RecommendationsAND Staffing PREMIUM Program:Job Description Drafting Compensation RecommendationsJob Posting on WorshipCurrentStaffing.comApplication Aggregation ProcessApplication Review for All CandidatesSit In on Final 2 Candidate InterviewsHiring RecommendationsNew-Hire Orientation Suggestions
16 Week ProcessIncludes:FREE 90-Minute Consultation43 Hours Phone/Virtual Meetings2 Days On-Site Assessment & Meetings(up to $500/ea in travel)90-Days *Post Email Support
New Website Introductory Price:$4999(regularly $7500)33% Off!